Real Estate

2 family home - $8000

  • Publish Date: 03-13-2018 20:24:40 |
  • Contact: Aaron |
  • Location: Kentucky 41011 |
  • Place: Covington ky |
  • 386 times displayed |

I have a two family home located in Covington ky on the edge of park hills i collect disability and cant afford to keep up with the up keep on the home. Foundation is solid 3 story 2 units home. It stretches from Lewis st around to Montague rd. Both units are first floor units. And also Has address for both sides. Has a lot of potential. Both units are livable. Although the house does need some repairs, there is plenty of cushion room if you are an buying to make profit, and if your buying to live there it's a really nice place for an extremely low price. I'm not gonna put a lot of time on selling the place. I bought the place from my aunt a couple years ago and just wanna get it to some one that can make it a home again. As I said I am not trying to spend alot of time on selling the place, that's why I'm asking such a low price. The first one with 8 thousand cash can accompany me to the lawyer's office. Needs to go asap.

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