3625 Bayliss
Memphis,TN 38122
2 bedroom, 1bath
Needs a little handyman repairs and little paint less than $1,000.00
Rents for $500.00 /$600.00
$32,683 minus $500.00 earnest money = $32,183.00 at...
3625 Bayliss
Memphis,TN 38122
2 bedroom, 1bath
Needs a little handyman repairs and little paint less than $1,000.00
Rents for $500.00 /$600.00
$32,683 minus $500.00 earnest money = $32,183.00 at...
3625 Bayliss
Memphis,TN 38122
2 bedroom, 1bath
Needs a little handyman repairs and little paint less than $1,000.00
Rents for $500.00 /$600.00
$32,683 minus $500.00 earnest money = $32,183.00 at...
$223,000 For Sale
419 Clark Barr Ln
McDaniels, Kentucky
Quick closings process is real quick give me a call looking to buy houses investor in your neighborhood ...
$15000 — House For Sale —
Fixer upper need work , but good start for young family. Starter home. OBO ...
Clean move in condition. Available immediately. Call or text to see 200 2954 thanks ...
Are you looking for a secluded place where you can get away from it all? This home is right up your alley. It is through the shared driveway, across the river on a well built bridge, and up the side o...
$1599000 — Commercial Real Estate —
Great Investment Fully renovated, 5 apartments + 1 store + electronic billboard for sale by owner.6006-6008 Kennedy BLVD West, West New York NJ. 07093 on the main artery to the lincoln tunnel. next to...