Items For Sale

Older oak table offer Home and Furnitures

Older oak table

Home and Furnitures

42 inch round in good condition oak table. Asking $200.00...

Bourbon and Beyond Louisville Ky music festival offer Tickets

Bourbon and Beyond Louisville Ky music festival


I have 2 tickets for Bourbon and Beyond Music Festival for today. Robert Plant Hall and Oats and several other bands....

100% Wool Oriental Rug 9x12 offer Home and Furnitures

100% Wool Oriental Rug 9x12

Home and Furnitures


315 lb Olympic Weight Set with Bench & (2) 25 lb Dumbells offer Sporting Goods

315 lb Olympic Weight Set with Bench & (2) 25 lb Dumbells

$200Sporting Goods

315 lb Olympic Weight Set with Weight Bench, Includes Leg Attachment &(2) 25 lb Dumbells. $200 Call John @ 724-761-4164...

Table saw offer Tools

Table saw


10 inch 13 amp craftsman table saw with legs. Never used in box.175.00...

20 inch Flat screen TV with wall mount. offer Items For Sale

20 inch Flat screen TV with wall mount.

$50Items For Sale

Excellent condition, used very little....

Saturday  8  to 3 in Rancho Bernardo offer Garage and Moving Sale

Saturday 8 to 3 in Rancho Bernardo

Garage and Moving Sale

Mom had great tasteDamon & Drapers clothes, better shoes, purses, dishes, SILVER, costume jewelry, trundle bed, chairs ,50 inch TV, other electronics, Medical, BooksTchotckes. Off of Pomerado and Mi...

Moving sale  Sept 28&29.  offer Garage and Moving Sale

Moving sale Sept 28&29.

Garage and Moving Sale

Sept 28&29 Furniture, household items, tools and garden supplies. Location is 82066 Rand Rd. Irrigon. Off Hwy 730. Phone is 541 571 7100...

Used leather couch and chair with recliners offer Home and Furnitures

Used leather couch and chair with recliners

Home and Furnitures

The couch does show some wear on the seating but other than that is very comfortable with recliners. The chair is in good shape and is a recliner too. Selling both together only. Call 7659677009. Fi...

Mother red heeler. He looks like beagle/cattle dog offer Items For Sale

Mother red heeler. He looks like beagle/cattle dog

Items For Sale

He is a very sweet dog with lots of energy. We are no longer able to keep him and want to find a loving home for him. He needs a fenced yard and loves to fetch. He is up to date with his shots and has...

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