I have 3 brand new wedding veils 72 inches and 1 shorter one 30 inches long. I bought for my daughter to decide on one. She choose a different one she has. Never been used. Long ones 60 dollars. Shor...
Set of 3 table lamps. Gold with white shade. $30 each or the set for $85. ...
5 HP Ajax dual stage air compressor
220 single / w magnetic starter. Single phase
17 CFM @ 100 PSI. 500 lbs. US made
60 gal tank w/xtra tank w/rebuilt motor
Blown head gasket
$ 2000.00 new
7.5 Hp. NAPA dual stage air compressor
Model 62-379 HAT. 220 single phase
W/xtra rebuilt motor. Cast iron
Runs good. 120 gal tank. US made
24 CFM @ 175. 790 lbs. horizontal tank
Mag starter incl...
xbox S 360 with kinect, all cords, power supply, av cable, kinect sensor and wireless controller. Wall or TV mount hardware and all instructions and papers.Games: Forza motorsport 3, Farcry 3, Kinect...
HOT TUB COVER, 93X93, USED ONLY TWO YEARS$100.00 603-623-8955 BOB...
Set of four Michelin all season tires, almost new only 15,000 kilometers from my Ford F-150 245, R17 rims.$150.00
Call John at: 236-886-8323 ...
Very nice old chawawa male dog. He's very loving, likes to sit on laps, great hearing, missing a eye. He acts like an emotional support dog. Potty trained, neutered. A fantastic pet for a senior...
Health Mark professional inversion table - 600 lb. capacity (new $1,700.00)
HONDA 1000EU portable generatior...