china cabinet with a service for 8 (plus extra pieces) noritake china
$350 — Home and Furnitures — 02-20-2018
will sell just the china cabinet for$150.00 or just the china for $200.00-excellent condition-need to see -moving and need to downsize...
$350 — Home and Furnitures — 02-20-2018
will sell just the china cabinet for$150.00 or just the china for $200.00-excellent condition-need to see -moving and need to downsize...
Garage and Moving Sale — 02-20-2018
Lots of good stuff. Furniture, lamps, rugs, blinds, kitchen appliances, large mirror, dog stairs, women plus size clothes 20w and 22w, shoes and much more. Starting early....
Sporting Goods — 02-20-2018
White, like new, size 71/2. Offers over $25.00 considered....
Garage and Moving Sale — 02-20-2018
Large yard/garage sale with garden items - plants, trees, pottery,tools, etc. Also household items, clothing, etc.Friday February 23rd and Saturday February 24th from 8am to 2pm...
$150 — Lawn and Garden — 02-20-2018
I will deliver in a caged in trailer that holds pine straw equivalent to approximately seven or eight bales . I can either place in a pile or set out which ever you prefer. Please call or text no ema...
Home and Furnitures — 02-20-2018
Antique Chair for sale $75.00 OBO Sharp Tv and stand $250.00 for both. OBO...
Home and Furnitures — 02-20-2018
Antique Chair for sale $75.00 OBO Sharp Tv and stand $250.00 for both. OBO...
$150 — Sporting Goods — 02-20-2018
Great condition. Single owner. Sold 5th wheel....
Sporting Goods — 02-20-2018
Single owner. Sold 5th wheel. $150.00. Great condition....
$1500 — Appliances — 02-20-2018
Replaced this/my-working oil heating system w/Gas fired high efficiency Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) system combo ($12,000, my cost) also w/50 gal. Gas Hot Water tank. ($2,200, my ...
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