Items For Sale

china cabinet with a service for 8 (plus extra pieces) noritake china offer Home and Furnitures

china cabinet with a service for 8 (plus extra pieces) noritake china

$350Home and Furnitures

will sell just the china cabinet for$150.00 or just the china for $200.00-excellent condition-need to see -moving and need to downsize...

2 family yard sale-Saturday March 3rd starting ar 700 am...@ 1806 Sylvan drive Montgomery Al offer Garage and Moving Sale

2 family yard sale-Saturday March 3rd starting ar 700 am...@ 1806 Sylvan drive Montgomery Al

Garage and Moving Sale

Lots of good stuff. Furniture, lamps, rugs, blinds, kitchen appliances, large mirror, dog stairs, women plus size clothes 20w and 22w, shoes and much more. Starting early....

Women's Adidas GOLF shoes offer Sporting Goods

Women's Adidas GOLF shoes

Sporting Goods

White, like new, size 71/2. Offers over $25.00 considered....

Moving sale  Friday, February 23rd and Saturday, February 24th offer Garage and Moving Sale

Moving sale Friday, February 23rd and Saturday, February 24th

Garage and Moving Sale

Large yard/garage sale with garden items - plants, trees, pottery,tools, etc. Also household items, clothing, etc.Friday February 23rd and Saturday February 24th from 8am to 2pm...

PINE STRAW offer Lawn and Garden


$150Lawn and Garden

I will deliver in a caged in trailer that holds pine straw equivalent to approximately seven or eight bales . I can either place in a pile or set out which ever you prefer. Please call or text no ema...

Chairs, table, tv, tv stand  offer Home and Furnitures

Chairs, table, tv, tv stand

Home and Furnitures

Antique Chair for sale $75.00 OBO Sharp Tv and stand $250.00 for both. OBO...

Chairs, table, tv, tv stand  offer Home and Furnitures

Chairs, table, tv, tv stand

Home and Furnitures

Antique Chair for sale $75.00 OBO Sharp Tv and stand $250.00 for both. OBO...

FIFTH WHEEL HITCH offer Sporting Goods


$150Sporting Goods

Great condition. Single owner. Sold 5th wheel....

FIFTH WHEEL TRIPOD offer Sporting Goods


Sporting Goods

Single owner. Sold 5th wheel. $150.00. Great condition....

Oil Fired Boiler and Burner Pair, each, Good to Excellent working condition offer Appliances

Oil Fired Boiler and Burner Pair, each, Good to Excellent working condition


Replaced this/my-working oil heating system w/Gas fired high efficiency Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) system combo ($12,000, my cost) also w/50 gal. Gas Hot Water tank. ($2,200, my ...

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