Items For Sale

Office Chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Office Chairs

Home and Furnitures

Office chairs: Misc styles. $5.00 each your choice...

Office Furniture offer Home and Furnitures

Office Furniture

Home and Furnitures

Desk #1: 68" long 32" wide 30" high $25.00Desk #2: 62" long 29" deep 30" high $25.00 ...

Office Furniture offer Home and Furnitures

Office Furniture

Home and Furnitures

Desk is: 6 ft x 2 ft x 30 in High $45.00File Cabinets: $10.00 each5 drawer 28" deep 15" wide 58" tall 4 drawer 25" deep 15" wide 52" tall, 4 drawer 18" deep 15" wide 52" tall,2 - 4 drawer legal f...

Grow light set up offer Appliances

Grow light set up


Complete grow light set up for indoor use to grow plants. Very few hrs used. Paid $550.00 asking g $400.00. Everything needed for indoor growing....

QUALITY SOUND SYSTEM offer Musical Instrument


Musical Instrument

1000 watt Power Board,carvin California 3 ways, Alto Pro subs, all 15 inch. Korg 80 gb 32 track recording unit and cables. Gator. Module unit on wheels and cables. Used very little.$1050.00 takes it ...

Echo Straight shaft weedeaters offer Lawn and Garden

Echo Straight shaft weedeaters

$100Lawn and Garden

I have 10 echo weed eaters need a little attention like tune ups or pull cords. Need them all gone....

John Deere 318 offer Lawn and Garden

John Deere 318

Lawn and Garden

318 tractor for parts. Call for details....

have two pieces for sale offer Home and Furnitures

have two pieces for sale

Home and Furnitures

refinished these two pieces. make me an offer...

Antique Corner Cabinets offer Home and Furnitures

Antique Corner Cabinets

Home and Furnitures

Great Condition ALL Wood. CIRCA 1950 to 1960Must Sell out of Room $75 Each or Best Offer...



Items For Sale

23 Boxes of Canadian Anthology of Music. Sample blue box can be seen on Radio Canada International web site. Formerly owned by CBC , in good condition . Various number of records in each box, 4-6. wi...

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