We will be having a big yard sale tomorrow 5/13-14/22 from 7am-2pm. Located at 1023 circle city dr corona CA 92879. We will have lots of shoes, new clothes, dishes, Christmas decorations, bikes and to...
Former sales room of modern office furniture, supplies, electronics, workstations, desks, computers, etc. to sell. Executive items. Make reasonable offer. ...
Yard sale this Saturday 5/14/22 from 7 am - 1 pm . Womens , teen and male clothing . Small appliances , dishes and bike accessories.
3444 e Lester st 85716. Everything must go ! CASH ONLY
Sofa with chaise lounge. $300...
Most books are from the 1700s 1800s and early 1900s it contains complete collections of Frederick the great, kaiser, Voltaire etc and one of a kind books etc message me for photos....
Includes several copies of the banned books, misprints, 1st printing etc. Message me for photos. ...
Purchased 8/21. Heatedly used. Paid $1,000 sell for $500. ...
Message me for photos. I have a huge lot of World War two memorabilia for sale. ...
GE Profile™ ENERGY STAR® 4.2 IEC Cu. Ft. Colossal Capacity Frontload Washer. WPDH8800J2WW. Product Specifications
GE Profile™ 7.5 cu. ft. stainless steel capacity frontload dryer with Steam and dryi...
Housewares, kitchenwares, cookbooks, crafts, old buttons, patterns, seasoal items, HP Laser Jet 1020 printer.33 1/3 records, Old photo'sMany retired Boyds Bears Sets, etc.Lg. amt.Womens size 16w new t...