Items For Sale

Frigidiare stacked washer and dryer offer Appliances

Frigidiare stacked washer and dryer


Frigidaire stacked washer and dryer. Works fine, but the inside of the washer needs to be cleaned out. Must be able to unhook and remove from basement (up the stairs) and transport it yourself. Ideal ...

couch and love seat offer Home and Furnitures

couch and love seat

$250Home and Furnitures

A nice cloth brown , couch and love seat --228-860-0625...

washer & dryer offer Appliances

washer & dryer


a nice set,washer and dryer, that I took out of trailer ,I sold. 228-860-0625...

Dillon RL- 450 reloading machine also Dillon RL-1000 Manuals. Too much to list parts,dies ect. offer Sporting Goods

Dillon RL- 450 reloading machine also Dillon RL-1000 Manuals. Too much to list parts,dies ect.

$600Sporting Goods

Two Dillon reloaders RL-450 RL-1000 all in working order. One or both....

Sno-Tek by Ariens 24 inch self propelled snow blower offer Lawn and Garden

Sno-Tek by Ariens 24 inch self propelled snow blower

$500Lawn and Garden

Sno-Tek by Ariens 24 inch self propelled snow blower. Like new. Used only 3 times.Come to pick it up....

Tires offer Tools



4 tires and rims 20” American racing ...

Two Tripods for DSLR camera. One tripod and one single leg pod. offer Computers and Electronics

Two Tripods for DSLR camera. One tripod and one single leg pod.

$40Computers and Electronics

Two Tripods for DSLR camera. One tripod and one single leg pod.New, never used.Come and pick it up....

Estate Sale  offer Home and Furnitures

Estate Sale

Home and Furnitures

Estate of Ann Easton Tag Sale at 1726 Lisle Rd Owego NYApril 19, 11 am til 6 pmApril 20 & 21 10 am til 4 pm Everything to go 50 years plus of stuff. Furniture, vintage clothes, household odds and end...

Suma 13-6' sail boat offer Sporting Goods

Suma 13-6' sail boat

Sporting Goods

Red & white Zuma 13-6' sailboat...

Vision Fitness Bike (U70)  offer Sporting Goods

Vision Fitness Bike (U70)

$500Sporting Goods

Very well maintained Vision Fitness Upright Bike - Commercial (U70). ...

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