ASUS Z97-AR Motherboard, i5 4690K CPU w/Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO cooler, 16GB G.Skills RipJaws RAM, ASUS Radeon R9 380X STRIX Graphics, EVGA G2 80+ Gold 1kw Power Supply, Corsair Vengeance C70 Case...
Open House: 4 bdr, 2ba, 2 rec rooms, 2400 sq. ft., plus lge 2 car garage Largecorner lot near golf course. And Garage Sale - moving. Sat. & Sun, April 28 & 29, 9am to 4pm....
For sale, four summer tires 21565R17 already on rims. Two tires were on car for only 4 months, the other two tires are older. Asking $300. ...
Free American bull terrier white very sweet good for kids and good with cats, moving and can't take her and won't take to shelter please call 4096837609 tammy ...
Male potbelly pig free to good hm moving and can't take him 4096837609 tammy...
Furniture, tools, golf stuff, much more. May 4th & 5th 8-5...
$50 — Tickets —
31 day BCT BUS CARD for sale. $50 each. Have four(4) to sale....
Furniture and 60 years of items. Come by 1411 East Century and shop for some good deals. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 8:30 til whenever. Plan on staying a while. Call 817-721-2839 if you have questi...
Wore them onceSize 8.5Extremely comfortable...
Looking to sell the following items in excellent condition: white whirlpool Refrigerator 33”x66” $200.00, Black Glass top whirlpool stove 30” x 25” $275.00, White Frigidaire Microwave 19”x13.5” $50....