Items For Sale

Tv for sale offer Computers and Electronics

Tv for sale

Computers and Electronics

48" flatscreen tv $170...

MOTHER  FATHER and  offer Arts



8 by 10 framed poem for Mom & Dad. $10 each ...

dishes for 35 offer Home and Furnitures

dishes for 35

$70Home and Furnitures

A complete set for 35 folks with platters and all the serving pieces....

complete set of dishes for 35 offer Home and Furnitures

complete set of dishes for 35

$70Home and Furnitures

A complete set for 35 folks, with platters and all the serving pieces....

Inversion table offer Sporting Goods

Inversion table

Sporting Goods

Almost new ...

35 place setting of dishes, plus offer Home and Furnitures

35 place setting of dishes, plus

$70Home and Furnitures

A complete set for 35 folks, with platters and all the serving pieces.have a big family, this works...

Craftsman storage shed 8ft x 4ft  offer Lawn and Garden

Craftsman storage shed 8ft x 4ft

$400Lawn and Garden

Craftsman storage shed for sale .Great condition almost new , 1 year old , 8ft x 4ft....

Nortrack c1800s treadmill  offer Home and Furnitures

Nortrack c1800s treadmill

Home and Furnitures

C1800s nortrack treadmill works great $250.00...

Beautiful Poetry Book for Mother's Day offer Books

Beautiful Poetry Book for Mother's Day


"In His Presence" A Celebration of Prose and Poetry to the King is a beautiful book of Christian Poetry with matching Bible verses.Makes beautiful gift.To order call (1-800-553-8506)Author is Vickie E...

Price is   $39000.00 offer Items For Sale

Price is $39000.00

Items For Sale

2008 Sea Fox 236WA Walk Around w/cuddy cabin, sleeps 3. Suzuki 200 hp 4 stroke w/195 hours, full Sunbrella canvas. Boat is always on lift, perfect hull, no scratches or barnacles, dual axle trailer, ...

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