Items For Sale

Lynx junior golf set 3-5 right handed  offer Kid Stuff

Lynx junior golf set 3-5 right handed

$15Kid Stuff

Excellent condition barely used. Comes with bag with shoulder strap. 7 iron, driver and putter Age 3-5 Right hand set Bought at sport check ...

Brush Hog offer Lawn and Garden

Brush Hog

Lawn and Garden

Brush Hog with pto used only a few times. Asking $275. Call 518-332-2418....

Hutch offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

Good condition see photo...

multi-family yard sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

multi-family yard sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Antiques, knives, shoes, a little of everything for everyone the yard sale will be on 5-20-2018 rain date will be 5-27-2018...

Moving / Estate Sale - Fri/Sat: May 18 &19.  7am - 4pm offer Home and Furnitures

Moving / Estate Sale - Fri/Sat: May 18 &19. 7am - 4pm

Home and Furnitures

Selling antique furniture, modern furniture, home entertainment center, leather sofa, musical gear and instruments, lamps, tables, kitchen table and chairs, bookcases, vinyl, books, TV's, Cal-King bed...

JENN-AIR 6 burner down draft cooktop  offer Appliances

JENN-AIR 6 burner down draft cooktop


JENN-AIR Countertop electric Cooktop, series Model No. C301 down draft with 6 burners, we also have the grill attachments and instlation directions and book ( will send pictures upon request). Cookt...

Free furniture  offer Home and Furnitures

Free furniture

Home and Furnitures

Bedroom set, sofa and loveseat, kitchen table and chairs, coffee table, oak Wall Unit and many household items. Pictures upon request Call Wendy at 775-846-7835 or 408-244-4491...

Farmall tractors for sale 1 modef F the other a farmall cub must sell both make an offer offer Lawn and Garden

Farmall tractors for sale 1 modef F the other a farmall cub must sell both make an offer

Lawn and Garden

Farmall tractors 1 model F the other a cub cub has mower blad the model f has left and right furrow blades grader blade and many other attachments stored in the barn make an offer...

dayton electric grain mill offer Appliances

dayton electric grain mill


will process all your grains for homemade bread etc excellent condition...

hauling company willing and ready any time of day to move furniture haul away unwated iteams  Small fee.will clean offer Business and Franchise

hauling company willing and ready any time of day to move furniture haul away unwated iteams Small fee.will clean

$20Business and Franchise

A family owned selfemployeed upcoming business ran by 4 sisters. Its a trucking business although there are people that think certain jobs rant for us let us show you all we can get it done faster che...

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