Items For Sale

Estate Sale, Sat. May 26, 97 Stedman Street Chelmsford offer Garage and Moving Sale

Estate Sale, Sat. May 26, 97 Stedman Street Chelmsford

Garage and Moving Sale

Estate Sale Sat. May 26, 97 Stedman Stree Chelmsford.Everything must go....

Desk chair offer Home and Furnitures

Desk chair

$30Home and Furnitures

Swivel desk chair upholstered in red leather...

Computer cabinet offer Free Stuff

Computer cabinet

Free Stuff

Good shape. Free just pick it up. 5320 Daywood st...

Corinna's Cakes and Cupcakes  offer Business and Franchise

Corinna's Cakes and Cupcakes

Business and Franchise

Homemade specialty cakes and cupcakes Made fresh with each order and designed for your special occasion . Wedding cakes, birthday cakes, holiday cakes, anniversary cakes, edible picture cakes and mor...

total house sale, all weekend fri-mon. offer Home and Furnitures

total house sale, all weekend fri-mon.

Home and Furnitures

captain's bed with chest and nite stand, black twin mattrest available. queen cherry wood bedroom set, incld. dresser, chest and night stand, queen mattres and box spring available. all purchased 18 m...

Antque porcelain sink offer Items For Sale

Antque porcelain sink

Items For Sale


BOWFLEX MAX TRAINER M3 offer Sporting Goods


$800Sporting Goods

I purchased brand new in March of 2017. I love it, but I’m 64 and my osteoarthritis can’t handle it. Guess I need to stick with walking....

Electric Wheelchair J6 Mint Condition offer Health and Beauty

Electric Wheelchair J6 Mint Condition

$1200Health and Beauty

Brand New J6 electric wheelchair with new charger and weather cover and paperwork. Asking $1200 cash or OBO. You must pick it up yourself I can't deliver. Call Tom 208-755-1990...

Electric Wheelchair offer Health and Beauty

Electric Wheelchair

Health and Beauty

Brand New J6 electric wheelchair...

Fish Tanks and Stands offer Home and Furnitures

Fish Tanks and Stands

$350Home and Furnitures

For Sale-Great Deal!two 45 gallon used all glass fish tanks and wooden (pine) cabinets and covers. 36 by 12 by 24 high. Also two 10 gallon tanks plus heaters and stand.Includes 16 assorted cichlids a...

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