Home and Furnitures — 05-31-2018
I have a steel futon for sale, no mattress ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-31-2018
The garage sale is from June 1 & 2, from 9AM to 4PM. Items for sale as follows, Vintage items, electronics, tools, Tecumseh Motors, rototiller times, sports bucket, audio gaming chair, household items...
Health and Beauty — 05-31-2018
SitNcycle exercise bike for sale; very gently used, like new, $150.00....
Home and Furnitures — 05-31-2018
Oak cabinets for tv's and storage. $75.00 ea....
Arts — 05-31-2018
Large selection of Dichroic Glass for sale in solid, textured and patterned colors. Excellent prices. 2”x8”, 4”x4” and 2”x4”. All 90 COE. For pricing or other questions, Email to: Artsmartgal@yaho...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-31-2018
Friday and Saturday June 1 & 2. 8AM-? Home decor, Miss me, rock revival, big star, Maurice’s, and American Eagle jeans and capris, size 6 & 7 shoes, Mary Kay, men’s clothing...
Arts — 05-31-2018
Large selection of Dichroic Glass for sale in solid, textured and patterned colors. Excellent prices. 2”x8”, 4”x4” and 2”x4”. All 90 COE. For pricing or other questions, Email to: Artsmartgal@yaho...
Sporting Goods — 05-31-2018
I have a 1982 aquasport center console with a 90hp Johnson outboatd. The boat is in excellent condition for the year and motor has 100% compression in all cylinders. Seat was removed and replaced with...
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