Items For Sale

Tools offer Items For Sale


Items For Sale

10 in table saw, band saw, drill press, belt sander all for $200....

Chocolate Brown Micro Fiber Couch and Love Seat offer Home and Furnitures

Chocolate Brown Micro Fiber Couch and Love Seat

Home and Furnitures

Chocolate Brown Micro Fiber Couch and Love Seat (allergy purpose we have 2 kitties) will sell individually or together. $125.00 for Couch or $200.00 togeather. Must Pick Up in Ponder. Call 940-535-89...

Garage Sale  Today only June 3rd from 8 to 3pm offer Garage and Moving Sale

Garage Sale Today only June 3rd from 8 to 3pm

Garage and Moving Sale

All items from the home must sell everything, Furniture, commercial Juki Sewing machine and all accessories, plus a serger and blind hemmer. brand new lines still in packages, kitchen stuff and decor...

HUGE ESTATE SALE offer Garage and Moving Sale


Garage and Moving Sale

HUGE ESTATE SALE THOUSANDS OF ITEMS 50 + years of merch. All the usual PLUS COLLECTIBLES: Phantom music bxs, Roman angels, dolls. Vintage & handmade jewelry, religious art. Fine women’s clothes/...

Curtain rod & drapes offer Home and Furnitures

Curtain rod & drapes

Home and Furnitures

Traverse rod approx. 161" and lined ivory drapes approx. 80" in length. $100...

Bike's offer Sporting Goods


$150Sporting Goods

I have three juinor beach cruzers bikes, that are barely been used and a 7speed beach cruze adult bike that needs some work moving and need the extra money for gas. I will go as low as 100$ no less...

JAMIS BIKE offer Sporting Goods


Sporting Goods

.Just for you!! Pop off wheel for easy storage....

Bikes offer Kid Stuff


$30Kid Stuff

2 green kids bike. $30 each need gone ASAP if interested u can reach me at (808) 430-6336...

Cal Spa, Complete Pump and Heater package for sale. 2 Pumps & Heater offer Lawn and Garden

Cal Spa, Complete Pump and Heater package for sale. 2 Pumps & Heater

$300Lawn and Garden

Cal Spa Newporter pumps and heater for sale. Includes controls. CS 6200 Heater will heat 750 gallons of water. 2 pumps ran 52 jets in Newporter tub. All must go. $300 Call Steve (562)695-8535 Whittie...

Two air conditioners conditioners for sale offer Appliances

Two air conditioners conditioners for sale


I have two air conditioners for sale both in excellent condition one is a stand air conditioner and dehumidifier and the other one is a window one $75 for both...

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