Items For Sale — 06-03-2018
10 in table saw, band saw, drill press, belt sander all for $200....
Items For Sale — 06-03-2018
10 in table saw, band saw, drill press, belt sander all for $200....
Home and Furnitures — 06-03-2018
Chocolate Brown Micro Fiber Couch and Love Seat (allergy purpose we have 2 kitties) will sell individually or together. $125.00 for Couch or $200.00 togeather. Must Pick Up in Ponder. Call 940-535-89...
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-03-2018
All items from the home must sell everything, Furniture, commercial Juki Sewing machine and all accessories, plus a serger and blind hemmer. brand new lines still in packages, kitchen stuff and decor...
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-03-2018
HUGE ESTATE SALE THOUSANDS OF ITEMS 50 + years of merch. All the usual PLUS COLLECTIBLES: Phantom music bxs, Roman angels, dolls. Vintage & handmade jewelry, religious art. Fine women’s clothes/...
Home and Furnitures — 06-03-2018
Traverse rod approx. 161" and lined ivory drapes approx. 80" in length. $100...
$150 — Sporting Goods — 06-03-2018
I have three juinor beach cruzers bikes, that are barely been used and a 7speed beach cruze adult bike that needs some work moving and need the extra money for gas. I will go as low as 100$ no less...
$30 — Kid Stuff — 06-03-2018
2 green kids bike. $30 each need gone ASAP if interested u can reach me at (808) 430-6336...
$300 — Lawn and Garden — 06-03-2018
Cal Spa Newporter pumps and heater for sale. Includes controls. CS 6200 Heater will heat 750 gallons of water. 2 pumps ran 52 jets in Newporter tub. All must go. $300 Call Steve (562)695-8535 Whittie...
Appliances — 06-02-2018
I have two air conditioners for sale both in excellent condition one is a stand air conditioner and dehumidifier and the other one is a window one $75 for both...
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