Items For Sale

Whirlpool Large capacity washer and dryer. offer Appliances

Whirlpool Large capacity washer and dryer.


Whirlpool White large capacity washer and dryer. They are 1 and half years old. They are both in great condition....

GARAGE SALE offer Garage and Moving Sale


Garage and Moving Sale

Some antique pieces, moving sale, lots of misc. household items, tools.Friday and Saturday June 8 and 9.517 Victoria Lane Oswego, IL ...

Old mirror  offer Home and Furnitures

Old mirror

Home and Furnitures


Help GMA SHE HAD A STROKE offer Free Stuff


Free Stuff

GMA NEEDS HELP her glass Kitchen table gt broke needs Table for 4 people She had a STROKE and is unable to work On SSI PLEZZ HELP IF U CAN SHE ALSO NEEDS QUEEN SIZE SHEETS AND A COMFORTER SHE CAN'T EV...

Walt Disney LP vinyl recordings offer Kid Stuff

Walt Disney LP vinyl recordings

Kid Stuff

5 LP recordings, all in excellent condition: 1) Peter Pan, 2) Dumbo, 3) Goofy's TV Spectacular, 4) Little Hiawatha, and 5) Winnie the Pooh....

Washer and Dryer for sale offer Appliances

Washer and Dryer for sale


White Amana electric washer and dryer for sale. $75 each. Pick up only!...

garage sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

garage sale

Garage and Moving Sale

household items, clothing, medical items and much more. GARAGE SALE June 9, 2018 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m....

double recliner offer Home and Furnitures

double recliner

$150Home and Furnitures

Brown soft swede approximately 6 feet long, and 4 feet wide. only 3 years old. excellent condition....

Canon copier Model 5235 offer Computers and Electronics

Canon copier Model 5235

Computers and Electronics

Canon office copier, color, black and white Staples and colates. $750...

Various items for sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Various items for sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Garage sale: Saturday 9 June only. 8-4pmVarious household items for sale. 19930 Tontogany Rd. Bowling Green, Ohio 43402...

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