Items For Sale

Compactor, Wacker Jumping Jack Compactor offer Tools

Compactor, Wacker Jumping Jack Compactor


Jumping Jack compactor, good condition, needs some TLC and a tune-up.Call or text to 719-492-5216 to arrange appointment to view/purchase....

Thomasville Ethan Allen Queen Rice Bed offer Home and Furnitures

Thomasville Ethan Allen Queen Rice Bed

Home and Furnitures

Beautiful 4-poster cherry wood Rice Bed. Queen size. Originally cost $2,000. Asking Price: $200 or best offer...

Deoartment 56 Christmas Village  offer Items For Sale

Deoartment 56 Christmas Village

Items For Sale


Yard sale offer Items For Sale

Yard sale

Items For Sale

Yard sale saturaday june 23 8am until all items gone lawn equipment kitchen appliances clothes toys bikes and much more ...

Cherries offer Lawn and Garden


Lawn and Garden

Sweet red and Queen Anne cherries-$4.00 lb. Picked fresh on order. Text 208-696-9876. ...

Logsplitter offer Lawn and Garden


$600Lawn and Garden

22 ton Huskee log splitter for sale--- $600.00 OBO... needs a spark plug...

Pfaff Sewing Machine with Oak Cabinet  offer Appliances

Pfaff Sewing Machine with Oak Cabinet


Select 1520 Pfaff Sewing Machine with Oak Cabinet that the machine sinks down into. $350 orbest offer. Hardly been used and definitely not used to its full potential...

Hay for sale . offer Items For Sale

Hay for sale .

Items For Sale

Hay for sale: Alfalfa, Orchard grass,Timothy,Clover mixtures, small square bales. $4.00 per bale. call 641-780-5151 ....

antique writing tray table offer Home and Furnitures

antique writing tray table

Home and Furnitures

i made this table from an old writing tray...

Set of 8 loon plates with 2 vertical plate holders offer Items For Sale

Set of 8 loon plates with 2 vertical plate holders

$100Items For Sale

Artist - Don Li-Leger - all 8 plates boxed and certified and numbered...

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