Items For Sale

Comics offer Books



Over 6000 comics for sale (mostly new quite a few silver to bronze age) asking $3000 ...

Beautiful Wooden Entertainment Center offer Items For Sale

Beautiful Wooden Entertainment Center

$1275Items For Sale

Barely used!!! Valued at $3800, sell for $1275 or best offer!!! Great buy!,, Beautiful wooden entertainment center, barely used. Adaptable for various TV sizes. Lighted, glass doors in front. Pul...

Untitled offer Arts



My Uncle Fred Harpman painted this in March 2000. Google him, he was famous! The painting is 4 feet wide x 72 inches high. Hate to see it go, but I need the money....

Used Bowflex XTL offer Sporting Goods

Used Bowflex XTL

Sporting Goods

Good condition. No damages. One replaced part. All cords and retention bars are in good condition. asking price is at 650.00$...

Need to rent horse trailer asap!  offer Items Wanted

Need to rent horse trailer asap!

Items Wanted

I need to rent a horse trailer for two horses. There are no businesses in Colorado Springs that rents them. I am a very responsible person who just needs to get my daughters horse moved to a new board...

MOUSIES FOR ICE FISHING offer Sporting Goods


Sporting Goods

WE HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF JUMBO MOUSIES FOR ICE FISHING2 dozen in a flip top container for $4.00 ea or wholesale 10 containers for $25.00pick up only at our shop.74 cannon mine rd ringwood nj 07456c...

sofa offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

Par manque de place à vendre : Très beau sofa, de couleur clair....

4 rooms of carpeting offer Home and Furnitures

4 rooms of carpeting

$350Home and Furnitures

Nutral color beige carpeting , great shape. 12X16, 10X10, 10X11 1/2, 11X13 1/2 feet. ...

Bread Maker_ Oster offer Appliances

Bread Maker_ Oster


Bread maker- brand new, never used, still in the box. Orig. price $70, not including tax- see Amazon:

Comic collections wanted offer Items Wanted

Comic collections wanted

Items Wanted

Interested in buying comic collections...

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