Items For Sale

300lb standard olympic set   offer Sporting Goods

300lb standard olympic set

Sporting Goods

300lb Olympic set & bench w/preacher curl&plate tree...

KAYAKS FOR SALE offer Sporting Goods


Sporting Goods

9ft Ocean Kayak "Frenzy" model (2 avaialable) 1-Envy green, 1-Sunrise (sit on top) Both include upgrade with gaspachi hatch. Weight=44lbs. Maximum capacity between 275-325lbs Asking $425 EA...

Pedicure Chair offer Health and Beauty

Pedicure Chair

Health and Beauty

Pibbs PedicureChair and pump and stool. Paid $2000.00 asking $900.00 or Best Offer. Call Darnelle 724-348-6220....

four parakeets offer Lawn and Garden

four parakeets

$60Lawn and Garden

i have four parakeets for sale for $60.00 for all four, three of them is blue and white and one is yellow and white, they need to go, they are in good health too....

Broyhill bedroom set offer Home and Furnitures

Broyhill bedroom set

Home and Furnitures

Broyhill King headboard, footboard, rails. Triple dresser with mirror, armoir, nightstand. Great condition, only a few pull handles missing otherwise great shape $600...

HAY offer Lawn and Garden


Lawn and Garden

excellent quality hay for sale Whitefield , Maine. 1st crop $5.00, 2nd crop $6.50. call Roger 207-592-7290...

Toro LX 426 riding mower and McClane edger offer Lawn and Garden

Toro LX 426 riding mower and McClane edger

$600Lawn and Garden

Toro LX 426 riding mower with 20 HP Briggs and Stratton engine, Runs great. McClane 4 wheel edger, carb needs to be cleaned on edger. $600 for both...

Tanning Bed offer Health and Beauty

Tanning Bed

Health and Beauty

Royal Sun with face tanners 32/02 Express. Was $9000.00, asking $3000.00 or best offer. Call Darnelle 724-348-6220 ....

aircompressor offer Tools



i have a 2.5 10gal aircompressor for sale,it is a central pneumanic compressor, 125 max psi i only want $60.00 for it, it only needs the air hose for it, it works good....

VERY NICE CARPET offer Home and Furnitures


$175Home and Furnitures

Nice carpet! In very good condition. Pad included. 472 sq. ft. 3 large pieces. Sizes: 13’10” x 14’10” 9’10” x 11’10” 13’ x 11’10” Lighting in each room varies so they look different. They are ...

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