Items For Sale

Les Paul classic Gibson guitar offer Musical Instrument

Les Paul classic Gibson guitar

Musical Instrument

Pristine condition 1990's version of the 1963 Les Paul Gibson vintage guitar. With hard case. This instrument was recently found in a closet and it is beautiful !!Exact same model is currently on EBay...

Have a sofa and tv for sale offer Items For Sale

Have a sofa and tv for sale

$175Items For Sale

Have a sofa and tv for sale $175...

Items for sale offer Items For Sale

Items for sale

$150Items For Sale

Have a sofa and tv for sale contact me at 7272724327...

Fender champion 40w  amp offer Musical Instrument

Fender champion 40w amp

$150Musical Instrument

Like new very little use...

Racking Storage Shelving offer Home and Furnitures

Racking Storage Shelving

$150Home and Furnitures

4' by 8' by 8'tall steel heavy duty shelving similar to home depot shelving. Fits perfect in garage alone side of car....

Solid Marble topped wooden end table. offer Home and Furnitures

Solid Marble topped wooden end table.

$50Home and Furnitures

This beauty could be used anywhere and will add a touch of class! Solid marble atop a sturdy wood base. ...

GENUINE OAK DINING TABLE SET offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

Oak dining table & 8 oak chairs excellent condition $495 or best offer: 92” if all inserts are in table Custom made pads to protect table ...

solid wood end table with magazine storage offer Home and Furnitures

solid wood end table with magazine storage

$50Home and Furnitures

Perfect wooden end table. This solid table has a pull out self and attached magazine storage. A real multi-tasker!...

Nice kitchen storage with extra counter space offer Home and Furnitures

Nice kitchen storage with extra counter space

$100Home and Furnitures

Take both of these white with butcher block storage units or either for $50.00 each. Both are in very good shape with inside shelves. ...

Well Loved Queen Ann Chair offer Home and Furnitures

Well Loved Queen Ann Chair

$10Home and Furnitures

This beautifully constructed chair was well loved and if restored would have many more years of life. OR put a nice through over her and sit in comfort. ...

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