Items For Sale

Wood airplane propeller art piece offer Home and Furnitures

Wood airplane propeller art piece

Home and Furnitures

Beautiful old wooden propeller for decoration $450.00 firm plus shipping...

Printer - Dell All in One 525 offer Computers and Electronics

Printer - Dell All in One 525

$100Computers and Electronics

Nearly new Dell all in one 525 Printer...

Bunk beds offer Home and Furnitures

Bunk beds

Home and Furnitures

Bunk beds. Red, yellow, blue heavy duty metal. Mattresses, mattress pads and sheets. Good condition. 40.00 ...

Child’s high chair  offer Home and Furnitures

Child’s high chair

Home and Furnitures

Like new. Golden oak wood child’s tray chair. Arrow bs k with acorn design pressed into yoke back. Excellent condition. Price: $100.00...

Solid oak pedestal table and 6 matching chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Solid oak pedestal table and 6 matching chairs

Home and Furnitures

Like new solid golden oak pedestal table with 2 leaves, full extended size 36”x60” with 6 matching golden oak arrow back chairs with acorn pattern pressed into yoke. Perfect condition. All for $800,...

Dresser for sale  offer Home and Furnitures

Dresser for sale

Home and Furnitures

Red 3 drawer dresser. 30 1/2 height, 19 wide, 30 length $100...

LL Bean merino wool revival trapper king size blanket offer Home and Furnitures

LL Bean merino wool revival trapper king size blanket

$400Home and Furnitures

108×96 size brand new excellent condition lists for 599.00 before tax and shipping, still listed in company catalog for 865 300 7676 ...

Nick Foles Autographed Eagles Helmet offer Sporting Goods

Nick Foles Autographed Eagles Helmet

Sporting Goods

Authentic Philadelphia Eagle Helmet signed by: Nick Foles, Fletcher Cox and Connor Barwin. Official Hologram Authentication.$400 or Best Offer....

MOVING SALE!!!! offer Garage and Moving Sale


Garage and Moving Sale

Friday/Saturday, February 15th and 16th, 8 am - 1 pm. A lot of tools! Home items, jewelry, small furniture. All must go!! 1318 SW 4th Place, Cape Coral....

electic heaters 1/2 retail offer Items For Sale

electic heaters 1/2 retail

Items For Sale


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