Items For Sale

GODIVA Coffee Mug Set offer Health and Beauty

GODIVA Coffee Mug Set

$49Health and Beauty

Brand new Godiva truffle coffee mug set w gold trim --white mugs. For pick up only -- cash only....

Canvas Print and coordinating pillows 75.00 offer Home and Furnitures

Canvas Print and coordinating pillows 75.00

Home and Furnitures

Surf canvas print and coordinating pillows New ...

TIFFANY TABLE LAMP  offer Home and Furnitures


$179Home and Furnitures

Beautiful Tiffany Vintage table lamp in pink and blue floral design. Perfect for table, vanity, etc.Cash only.. Pick up only. Will box for buyer....

GOLD BAR CART   75.00 offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures


reclining loveseat offer Home and Furnitures

reclining loveseat

$500Home and Furnitures

Beautiful loveseat that reclines. Brand new!!!...

King Upholstered

King Upholstered "Ocean Blue " Velvet Headboard "

Home and Furnitures

King Upholstered "Ocean Blue" Velvet Tufted Headboard $200.00...

truck for sale offer Items For Sale

truck for sale

Items For Sale

2014 F150 Crewcab 4x4 Lariat...

Deluxe Wheel chair And A deluxe Walker offer Health and Beauty

Deluxe Wheel chair And A deluxe Walker

$175Health and Beauty

Wheel chair limited use like new wider in seat area. the walker has a seat and storage area and is like new. ...

Hospitalbed with a remote in excellent condition offer Home and Furnitures

Hospitalbed with a remote in excellent condition

$375Home and Furnitures

Used very short period of time like new...

moving sale offer Home and Furnitures

moving sale

Home and Furnitures

2 big screen tv's, leather couch, desk, dresser, weber charcoal grill on rolling cart, smoker, dishes, some hand tools, stereo receiver, cd recorder...

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