Items For Sale

Semi-Moving sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Semi-Moving sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Furniture, clothes, kitchen items and more!...

Marina dock storage box offer Sporting Goods

Marina dock storage box

Sporting Goods

Made by Tough Guy manufacturing, a triangular shaped, fibreglass dock box with stainless parts is a perfect storage unit for dock side equipment. As new, this box costs over $600. Offered for sale at ...

Motorcycle  offer Items For Sale


Items For Sale

2000 Yamaha Roadstar, new rear tire, new battery, mustang seat, Vance and Hines pipes, excellent condition, custom paint....

mobile home offer Items For Sale

mobile home

Items For Sale

2 bedroom mobile home -oil heat 14x60 asking 20,000...

Garage sales offer Free Stuff

Garage sales

Free Stuff

Old garden tools shovels. Shoes, clothes, furniture , all kinds of soccer shoes, violin, ladders, lots of bed rails, baby high chair, giving away a lots of this stuff....

Inaugural Season San Jose Sharks Commemorative Puck!!!     offer Sporting Goods

Inaugural Season San Jose Sharks Commemorative Puck!!!

$500Sporting Goods

I went to the very 1st ever Sharks game, on the road in Vancouver’s Pacific Coliseum Oct 4, 1991 and got this regulation commemorative real puck that day!!! I pulled this out to watch game 7 ...

Pop up canopy 10 X 10  offer Sporting Goods

Pop up canopy 10 X 10

Sporting Goods

Folds up and goes in a bag with wheels...

Thin Twin stacked washer and dryer offer Appliances

Thin Twin stacked washer and dryer



Estate Sale 100-106 Furman Street Schenectady, New York 12304 offer Home and Furnitures

Estate Sale 100-106 Furman Street Schenectady, New York 12304

Home and Furnitures

Something for everyone! Antiques, furniture,housewares.Items fill a 4 car garage. Friday 4/26 and Saturday 4/27 time 10-2Sunday 4/28 after 1 by appointmentMonday 4/29, Tuesday 4/30 , Thursday 5/2 an...

HUGE MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE offer Garage and Moving Sale


Garage and Moving Sale

Saturday 4/27 and Sunday 4/28 7A.M.- 5 P.M. 14 Coronet Crescent Bethpage, NY br /> A little bit of everything! Best of old and new!!Collectibles, vintage glassware, some Lionel trains, costume jewe...

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