Items For Sale

Wooden coffee table offer Home and Furnitures

Wooden coffee table

$50Home and Furnitures


Grill offer Lawn and Garden


$35Lawn and Garden


White vinyl fencing offer Lawn and Garden

White vinyl fencing

Lawn and Garden

Approximately 80 feet of vinyl fencing. Good condition. Asking$500.00....

Drum Set offer Items For Sale

Drum Set

Items For Sale

Roland Electronic Drum Set. Excellent condition. Working condition and sounds fantastic! Great set to play and practice. Please email if interested.

Home gym offer Sporting Goods

Home gym

Sporting Goods

Marcy home gym for sale. Can do at least 10 different exercises. Has curls and leg workout attachments, adjustable bench, and dip bars. Also comes with a little over 300 lbs. of weights....

Firewood offer Items For Sale


$190Items For Sale

Selling firewood. All hardwood cut and split will deliver within 20 miles. Anything over 20 miles will be extra.$190 cord...

Kitchen appliance set offer Appliances

Kitchen appliance set


Matching Whirlpool kitchen appliances in white. Side by side Refrigerator with ice and filtered water, electric range and over the range microwave oven. Microwave was new in 2015, refrigerator in 20...

Scrapbooking items offer Arts

Scrapbooking items


Have many new books, blank pages, plastic cover sleeves, stickers, paper, books of paper, many colors and sizes. Have more than I need and want a good home for these. Wedding, Baby, Girl, Boy, Holiday...

pool pump  sand filter offer Items For Sale

pool pump sand filter

$150Items For Sale

pool pump and sand filter used one season pump is one hp 150 or bo...

Living Room Set offer Home and Furnitures

Living Room Set

Home and Furnitures

Gorgeous espresso faux leather couch with lounge, seagrass coffee table, seagrass end table, and 2 seagrass and mahogany chairs from Z Gallerie. Excellent condition. Will sell fast! $1000.00...

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