Items For Sale

Freezer for sale. offer Appliances

Freezer for sale.


Nearly new large size cost $600.asking $300 or B.O....

Wheelchair  offer Health and Beauty


Health and Beauty

Good condition it’s a medline, red and black $75...

Heavy Duty foldable walker offer Health and Beauty

Heavy Duty foldable walker

Health and Beauty

Heavy duty foldable walker..Has padded LG seat, 8 inch wheels, backrest, about a year old. in good cond.,Red. cost $120. Well for $55.00 Not sure about the weight, but folded about 12 lbs Call 928-...

3 Wii Guitars for sale. One is a replica of Paul Mcartney base. offer Games

3 Wii Guitars for sale. One is a replica of Paul Mcartney base.


Guitars only being sold at yard sale....

Antique oak dining table offer Home and Furnitures

Antique oak dining table

$100Home and Furnitures

Beautiful oak 48 inch round with 24 inch leaf dining table with 4 chairs ...

90 amp wire welder offer Tools

90 amp wire welder


90 amp wire welder only used twice. $90.00 obo...

PS4 controller aqua and purple monsters inc edition  offer Games

PS4 controller aqua and purple monsters inc edition


This item was 65$ but I’m selling it for 45-55$ Text me for details....

Handi Move (SureHands) Mobile 5001 patient lift offer Health and Beauty

Handi Move (SureHands) Mobile 5001 patient lift

Health and Beauty

The SureHands 5100 Mobile Lifter is a powered transfer lift designed for use by individuals with mobility, severe physical, or neurological disabilities or spinal cord injury. This lifter has a long b...

Biljax Cougar lift offer Tools

Biljax Cougar lift


Perfect for maintenance, electrician, drywall and acoustical ceilings, commercial heating and air, gutters etc. Extends 20ft with New battery $1200.00 obo...

Exercise Equipment, Weight Machine offer Sporting Goods

Exercise Equipment, Weight Machine

$100Sporting Goods

DP Weight Machine...

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