Items For Sale

Baby Swing offer Kid Stuff

Baby Swing

$60Kid Stuff

Fisher Price Cradle N' Swing 3 seat positioning My Little Snugbunny, Beige...

Metal offer Free Stuff


Free Stuff

I have a lot of scrap metal. It’s old air conditioning units and heaters. There is probably about three truckloads worth maybe more. ...

1962 Boston whaler, motor, trailer offer Sporting Goods

1962 Boston whaler, motor, trailer

Sporting Goods

1962 Montauk Boston whaler Boat needs some prettying up But—— Suzuki 40 D engine runs great. Not used much Fish finder 2017 trailer used 3 times Winterized in 2017 Good Wiring etc $4,000...

ATTENTION ALL ELECTRICIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! offer Business and Franchise


Business and Franchise

We are having an electrical blowout garage sale. You name it we have!!!!!! Indoor/outdoor light fixtures, wallpacks,led can lights,panels,meter packs etc. Come and join in the deals. Dont miss out!!!!...

20 ft Bayliner offer Sporting Goods

20 ft Bayliner

$2800Sporting Goods

1989 ciera 8cyl ...

Bose lifestyle 321 $200.00  offer Computers and Electronics

Bose lifestyle 321 $200.00

Computers and Electronics

Bose life Style 321 DVD player /stereo $200.00...

Milwaukee M12 impact cordless drill offer Tools

Milwaukee M12 impact cordless drill


Very powerful, very ligjt and small....

Construction Cleaning Close-out Sale offer Business and Franchise

Construction Cleaning Close-out Sale

Business and Franchise

Professional mop buckets $30 piece or make an offer for all mops and mop heads(new) Anything construction cleaning, Call for details...

For the love of yellow! offer Clothes

For the love of yellow!


There is a med cotton skirt, leggings, and sheer yellow shirt that ties at bottom. And there is a pair of yellow shoes size 7 1/2 -8. All for the low price of $10 for the 4 piece outfit....

Nice Taqn Couch aqnd Loveseat for Sale! Will Dwliver $100 obo! offer Home and Furnitures

Nice Taqn Couch aqnd Loveseat for Sale! Will Dwliver $100 obo!

Home and Furnitures

Nice tan Couch and Loveseat for sale. Updated to a sectional. Will deliver. Call James at 571-445-1655. $100 obo...

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