Items For Sale

Ladders offer Lawn and Garden


Lawn and Garden

Four ladders sold as one lot. Two 6 ft aluminum, used, good shape, One 7 ft fiberglass, used for only one job, excellent shape, One 8 ft aluminum, good shape. First $99 cash in my hand takes them ...

Total Gym XLS offer Health and Beauty

Total Gym XLS

$400Health and Beauty

Total gym XLS comes with five different exercise level videos over 250 exercise cards. I Purchased six months ago use less than 10 times ...

Insulin Pen Needles offer Health and Beauty

Insulin Pen Needles

Health and Beauty

A friend of mine died leaving his diabetes supplies to me. Boxes of 100, 8 mm. pen needles. I am a diabetic and don't need more needles. All needles are sealed and sterile. The needles are yours f...

Bookshelf offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

IKEA bookshelf $30...

Rosenthal china offer Home and Furnitures

Rosenthal china

$350Home and Furnitures

8 piece set with numerous extra pieces. Bought in Germany in 1967. White with platinum edge ...

HUGE Garage Sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

HUGE Garage Sale

Garage and Moving Sale

June Thursday June 13 thru Friday June 14 from 9 to 4 /Clean-up Saturday 8426 Bluestone Bay on northwest side of San Antonio Tools, furniture, ammun., hunting, linens, cameras, electronics, dr...

Lawn Sprinkler System Parts and Pieces offer Lawn and Garden

Lawn Sprinkler System Parts and Pieces

Lawn and Garden

We have a large tool box full of Rain Bird and Orbit in-ground sprinkler system parts available at our yard sale in Lincoln, NE. Here are some of the items: 5 - 4" and 10 - 2" Pop-Up sprinkler h...

Limited edition Mary Bertrand...English Influence Number 420.... offer Arts

Limited edition Mary Bertrand...English Influence Number 420....


Gold leaf frame....27 length 33 width.....beatiful piece of art I had bought for 175....over 10 years ago...must sell cash only and must pick up....

Oak table with butterfly leaf located under table all connected...4 matching chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Oak table with butterfly leaf located under table all connected...4 matching chairs

$200Home and Furnitures

Solid oak....good condition.....would keep but moving out only and must pick up...

Golf clubs 1 3 & 5 woods. Mizuno Black Turbo All graphite heads and shafts. Asking $100 obo. offer Sporting Goods

Golf clubs 1 3 & 5 woods. Mizuno Black Turbo All graphite heads and shafts. Asking $100 obo.

Sporting Goods

1987 Mizuno Clubs....

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