$75 — Musical Instrument — 07-03-2019
Palatine-350 with case ...
$585 — Appliances — 07-03-2019
Price is for all 4 appliances. Matching color is almond/bisque/linen. They all work, we just updated to new ones....
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-03-2019
Very unorganized, not everything is priced, but have to downsize. Priced items, half off on Saturday. Furniture, tools, knickknacks, 24 by 8 trailer workshop,1500 dollars...
$975 — Sporting Goods — 07-03-2019
Kayak with sail kit. This used Perception 13foot yellow sit-on-top kayak can be paddled or easily converted to a sail kayak with its custom sail kit. Kit includes a roller reefing main sail, jib sai...
Home and Furnitures — 07-03-2019
Frigidaire 5000 BTU consistent temperature has Anti-Microbial filter to remove harmful bacteria. Fits window 13 high 23-36 wide. Reason for selling we have heat pump with air conditioning. Price 50....
Clothes — 07-03-2019
Online shopping is persistently becoming the choice of everyone as they offer all the necessary and useful products in an effortless manner to the customers. Are you still finding the right website...
Items Wanted — 07-03-2019
Message me and I we can discuss pricing for pictures I will send to you ...
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