Small efficiency garage apartment for rent bedroom/ living room combine with small kitchen and bath great for single person. All bills paid includes garage water and electricity. Covered parking in a ...
3 bedroom house for rent in pulaski ,Virginia located. Near Mc Donald’s, Hud accepted. Call 540-641-0941 ...
3800 square foot warehouse with office space for lease
$6.32 square foot.
4519 Towne Court
St. Charles, Mo. 63040
Call Kathryn at 636-288-2187...
Room mate wanted I live in nice area of West Sac., private bedroom, furnished, large closet, large window, freshly painted, ceiling fan, nice bed, full house privileges, T V, privet driveway and ga...
one bedroom- remodeled condo. new cabinets, hardwood kitchen floor. fully furnished. ceiling fans, A/C, club house, pool, jacuzzi, exercise, wight room. available september 1st. can be shown after Jul...
8' x 28' single wide trailer for rent or own...
I'm an otr truck driver need a roommate to watch the house private room downstairs or upstairs shared bathroom upstairs utilities included in rent ...
Bushwick living and working space for Artists
Space776 Residency program is located in the center of Bushwick, Brooklyn beside
the Space776 Gallery. Residency artists can live and work in the locati...
2 rooms available 600 a month 200 move in feeVery nice Contact number 912 604 1487...