Job > Part Time

part time job caring for. A senior

  • Publish Date: 04-25-2018 14:21:22 |
  • Contact: Patricia alabaster (see all posting) |
  • Location: Louisville 40241 |
  • Place: Louisvill |
  • 386 times displayed |
I am a mature responsible and honest Australian lady looking for some part time work caring for a senior.
I have a CPR certificate and many years experience with my late husband who suffered with heart and Parkinson's disease
Have car, happy to do light housekeeping, take to appointments , pay bills , take out for drives, all non medical tasks , etc
.i was also companion carer to an elderly sick lady in Switzerland for a few months
The hours and days can be flexible and I am more than happy to work on weekends to give family a break
Please email or call me on telephone attached.

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