Job > Part Time

Earn $75 for EVERY Appointment Set!

  • Publish Date: 07-13-2023 11:07:35 |
  • Contact: Diane Mohr |
  • Location: Victorville 92395 |
  • 701 times displayed |
Work from Home! Set your own Hours! No cost to get Started!
Get Paid $75 for every appointment you set with our solar experts.
These appointments are done over virtual zoom meetings. No in-person meetings necessary for the homeowner!
Full details, simple instructions and training provided.
Start earning $75 commissions TODAY!
Get paid $75 just for submitting an electricity bill for a solar comparison and setting the appointment.
You can submit as many as you want and get paid $75 per appointment set.
This is nationwide and there is no limit.
Submit 10 bills that we do a comparison analysis with the homeowner and you get paid $750!
No obligation! No strings attached! No presenting! No telling! No selling! You will set the appointment only.
They will get a solar comparison analysis from our solar experts and be educated on what’s possible to save and get out from under the thumb of the electric companies!

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