Small, friendly Property Management company in Boulder is looking for a part-time administrative assistant who needs part-time work. Must be available to start immediately, commit to long-term, and wo...
Learn how to provide narrated tours or old historic Wilmington Nc in a horse drawn carriage. Great opportunity to make extra money year round. All training provided. Horse back round not necessary....
2-3 days a week .Can be live-in: some hours every day, had small very good Maltese - poodle...
I am looking for a private duty job taking care a individual for Friday Saturday and Sunday 12 hour shift time starting at 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. looking for a non-medical. client who is willing to pay pri...
part time cleaning in Front Royal VA call 301 991 4028 ask for Stan or email
New holistic center looking for massage therapist to work as a 1099. We are also looking for a yoga instructor for weekly class on Friday....
$11.8 — Part Time —
The job requires the services of attending to my Disable adult son...... hours required are up to 23 hours a week..... weekend day's and or weekday days....
looking for experienced counter help,must be flexible and available to work on Saturday.Hours vary from 25-30 hours per week.Apply at Service Cleaners located at 208 Andrew Jackson Way....
part time/ full time ranch hand needed for small horse facility in Durango. Clean stalls, general ranch maintenance.Must be dependable, honest, hard working with references . Reliable transportation,...
Join us and help people obtain their ideal weight with our priven healthy holistic program. Daytime and evening hours available till 9pm. Saturday also available. Email resume to joinourhappyteam@gmai...