Job > Medical Jobs

Caregiver available for elders+kids! LIVE IN or live out! NH+ maine

  • Publish Date: 10-16-2019 17:48:25 |
  • Contact: Miss Francis |
  • Location: New Hampshire 03870 |
  • Place: RYE, NH kittery, Portsmouth hampton York. Well's |
  • 724 times displayed |

  • NURSE aide avaible for elders + kids 25 years experience -+- I offer caregiver services in your home +, I offer hood quality affordable Care for kids+ disabled people+ Seniors.. Nutrition +physical therapy,4 years college, I do art therapy and physical therapy, I help people with speech . Dementia. Altiemers ADHD behavior. Memory loss. Etc. i help kids I been a nanny + teacher up to 6 kids RESPITE is avaible if you need 24-hour care have to plan it ahead I can do live in Monday through Friday while living full-time if you have an in-law apartment,. or space 💓 for _-. extra help - we can add more days for cooking laundry + garden + pets care Happy homemakersnh Gmail. Com email me your town and hours. I'm honest Christian lady born in USA ARMY
  • Tags: caregiver

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