Job > Full Time

Teachers and teachers aide

  • Publish Date: 10-21-2018 09:02:32 |
  • Contact: Lori (see all posting) |
  • Location: Illinois 60176 |
  • Place: AKarrasel Playhouse Child Care Center |
  • 915 times displayed |
We are looking for full-time and part-time help working with children. ECE education would be a plus. Must have HS diploma and be able able bodied to keep up with little ones. The person we are looking for has to be on time, be dedicated to coming to work, LOVE children, handle changing diapers, tantrums, vomit, all the things that come with little ones.
We teach the basics of early Childhood education; ( ABC’s, numb, their names, phone numbers, colors, etc.) we go out every day weather permitting.
The teachers are a tight group and help each other on a daily base. Must speak English
If this is you, send us a resume and some information on you. You must pass a background check.
Resumes to be sent to:

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