Job > Full Time

Salon Coordinator

  • Publish Date: 12-13-2018 11:12:37 |
  • Contact: Kristin Hubler |
  • Location: Harrisburg 17112 |
  • Place: Frost Salon and Spa |
  • 390 times displayed |
Salon Coordinator
As a salon coordinator, you are an integral, valued member of our staff. You are in many senses the face of the salon, welcoming both returning and new clients to a positive experience. You also play a vital role in coordinating the work flow of the rest of the staff.
Basic Responsibilities Include
Greeting clients and letting staff members know of their arrival.
Answering phone calls, helping clients book appointments over the phone.
Checking-out guests and scheduling their next appointments.
Streamlining the work flow of the salon team.
Maintaining neatness in the reception area and throughout the salon.
Maintaining retail products stock
It is very important to us that you be articulate and grounded.
You must be neither overly excitable in demeanor, nor sluggish.
Being customer service oriented in your tone whether live, by phone, with pre-existing clients and new visitors.
Good organizational skills, with thoroughness.
Computer skills.
A willingness to remain positive and proactive whether it’s a slow part of the day or a hectic one.
An appearance and presentation suitable to a hip, upscale establishment.
You must be on-time.

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