Items For Sale > Tools

Photography Studio Backdrop rails - $500

  • Publish Date: 08-22-2019 17:16:34 |
  • Contact: Pamela (see all posting) |
  • Location: Toledo 43515 |
  • Place: Delta OH |
  • 372 times displayed |
I have a backdrop rail system for hanging backdrops.... I paid $1265 for the entire system..... I have (8) 6ft pieces of the aluminum rails that go on the ceiling and (3) 4ft rails (10) bags of 15 that include the clips and roller ball's... the entire system selling for $500 (prefer to sell as an entire system) I hung at least 15 backdrops on it ... I also have 10ft wide drops most are 10x20 muslin/ canvas $50 apiece or discounted if you buy more... do not have pics of the drops you would need to just come look... can send screen shots of reg new prices if asked... fantastic way to keep your drops in good shape...

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