Items For Sale > Tools

Aluminum ladder offer Tools

Aluminum ladder


24 foot aluminum ladder, excellent condition....

Electric Fence Supplies offer Tools

Electric Fence Supplies


InsulatorsWireSolar Fencer$35.00 Takes All...

Cnc Bridgeport V2xt offer Tools

Cnc Bridgeport V2xt


Bridgeport V2xt...

Southern pride b.b.q. Pit offer Tools

Southern pride b.b.q. Pit


Southern pride b.b.q pit on trailer , with exhaust hood. Tool box propane fuel hook up ...

DeWalt Radial Arm Saw - Model 770 - 10

DeWalt Radial Arm Saw - Model 770 - 10"


DeWalt Radial Arm Saw - crosscuts and rips........ base accepts wood base for cutting. Clamps hold it to base. Requires brushes....

Yard vacuum offer Tools

Yard vacuum


This thing starts right up and works great.. I've also set it up so I can take the bag off add a pipe that can blow the leaves into a trailer as I'm vacuuming them up...

PVC pipe reinforced with lightweight concrete offer Tools

PVC pipe reinforced with lightweight concrete


8 in $50. 10 in $60. 12 inch $70. 15 in $80. These pipes are all 12 ft long with bell coupler ends that link together. 217-556-1819 call anytime...


3" DR Chipper


Like new, only less than 5 hours use, 3 Yrs old, model not currently on DRs' website$500.00...

Mechanics offer Tools



Mechanic tool sef $80...

LSDA lock set  offer Tools

LSDA lock set


LSDA grade 1 heavy duty lockset. Handicap lever style. This is a removable best core style lock. ...

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