Items For Sale > Tools

Cushman Vertical 1 Cylinder  Hit and Miss offer Tools

Cushman Vertical 1 Cylinder Hit and Miss


4 HP Flywheel Engine on Stand...

Industrial 20CFM+ 2 Stage Air Compressor  offer Tools

Industrial 20CFM+ 2 Stage Air Compressor


Three Phase 220 Excellent Condition...

Sunnen RCG750 Industrial Heavy Duty Cap Grinder offer Tools

Sunnen RCG750 Industrial Heavy Duty Cap Grinder


Used for grinding rods, rod caps, and main caps....

Sunnen  LB1699  Hone with  an assortment of mandrels                                   . offer Tools

Sunnen LB1699 Hone with an assortment of mandrels .


Used with bore gauge...

Kansas Instrument Airless Steel Shot Machine     offer Tools

Kansas Instrument Airless Steel Shot Machine


Steel Shot Machine for cleaning parts with dust filter....

Machine Shop Equipment offer Tools

Machine Shop Equipment


Kansas Instrument Cleaning Bake Oven Natural Gas Heating Stack Burner Used for cleaning blocks and cylinder heads...

Louisville Warehouse Ladder offer Tools

Louisville Warehouse Ladder


8 step steel rolling ladder up to 450lbs capacity - with all hardware - bye 1 for $500.00 or buy both for $850.00!Never used!!...

16 x 32 Ryobi Drum Sander offer Tools

16 x 32 Ryobi Drum Sander


Ryobi bench mount drum sander including an assortment of new sand paper strips and a spare conveyor belt. $300...

Rigid wood planer offer Tools

Rigid wood planer


6" Rigid wood planer with model JP06101, 42" table, with wheeled base. $200...

1/2” Heavy Duty Electric Drill  offer Tools

1/2” Heavy Duty Electric Drill


Ingersoll-Rand 1/2” Drill...

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