Items For Sale
Ranch style home
- Publish Date: 06-29-2019 18:52:02 |
- Contact: PMiss Nancy Todd |
- Location: Indianapolis 46151 |
- Place: 144/37 |
- 254 times displayed |
Investment property’ 2 bdroom’ 1.5 bath, laundry room’ china cabinet in kitchen’ large living room plus large kitchen’ 2.5 car garage’ currently rented for $900.00 per month’ nice brick ranch style home with carport/patio on south end of the house’ plus mini barn’’ excellent location’ close to moorseville ’ Martinsville’ Greenwood’ indy’ Bloomington as well. Great location 1-69 is real close sits on approx an ac’ sale as is’ very nice place’ moorseville school corporation if you have children. call for more details’ 3179108987. $150.900
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