Items For Sale > Lawn and Garden

Christmas Gift: 3+lbs of Fresh Seasoned Black Walnuts

  • Publish Date: 12-07-2021 16:45:10 |
  • Contact: Tim (see all posting) |
  • Location: St. Louis 63401 |
  • Place: Hannibal area |
  • 269 times displayed |
Christmas Gift: 3+lbs of Fresh Seasoned Black WalnutsChristmas Gift: 3+lbs of Fresh Seasoned Black Walnuts
1. Great gift for your squirrels this winter.
2. The PERFECT White Elephant Gift.
3. GAG GIFT. To: crazy uncle Gary that everybody hates at the family shindig
From: Santa
Directions: open bag in a room of crazy uncle Gary’s. Dump all walnuts onto floor. Turn all lights off. Close door. Visit crazy uncle Gary at ER due to broken walnut in head.
$20, includes wrapping, ribbons, bows, blank name tag.
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