Approximately 1200 antique rails for sale. Rails are each 11 ft. Rails assumed to be at least 150 years old and in good condition for fencing or other uses. Asking $6.00 per rail. Would prefer to sel...
3 grow lights plus everything you need to grow a great crop...
Jumbo Pharaoh coturnix quail for sale. 6 weeks old already starting to lay eggs. Breeding groups of 5 hens and one rooster $65....
2006 EZGO golf cart. 36 volt with fold down seat. Super clean. Comes with Charger. Good tires. Have had the cart for about 6 months. Last owner told me that the batteries are little over 2 yrs old. Ha...
$30 — Lawn and Garden —
Used canopy. Side and end tarps are new. Top tarp has been used 5 weeks. $150 disassembled or $100 if you disassemble it. Flower pots not included....
$200 — Lawn and Garden —
MM55 multi tool tiller and Edger....
$1900 — Lawn and Garden —
Zero Turn 255. 48 inch cut. Cost $2995 new. Bought 2 years ago. 22.0 up. 724cc....
$250 — Lawn and Garden —
Very good condition....
$2100 — Lawn and Garden —
1952 tractor. Runs good. Good oil pressure. Everything works as should....