Items For Sale > Home and Furnitures

Wall Display with 21 Bulk Food Dispensers - $600

  • Publish Date: 01-30-2019 15:19:30 |
  • Contact: Denise Arciero |
  • Location: Portland 97222 |
  • Place: Milwaukie Public Storage |
  • 440 times displayed |
Wall Display with 21 Bulk Food DispensersWall Display with 21 Bulk Food Dispensers

Unit is 6' 7-1/2" tall, 45 5/8" wide, 23" deep at bottom and tapers as you go up. Holds 21 bulk food dispensers that holds 10# of M&Ms or other bulk items like rice, beans, chips, nuts, etc. With arch and M&M characters bolted on top it is approx 8' tall.

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