Items For Sale > Home and Furnitures

Dimplex Torchiere Elecrtic Fireplace - $1000

  • Publish Date: 04-14-2019 14:41:42 |
  • Contact: Lori |
  • Location: Buffalo 14026 |
  • 296 times displayed |
Dimplex Torchiere Elecrtic FireplaceDimplex Torchiere Elecrtic Fireplace
Gorgeous Dimplex Torchiere 32” Electric Fireplace with Mantel For Sale: Rarely used, excellent condition. Multi-fire options with advanced Purifire air treatment system and incredible inner glow logs with pulsating embers.
Paid $2,250.00 New. Asking $1,000.00 or B/O.
Please call or text Lori at (716) 348-9267.

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