Items For Sale > Home and Furnitures

Living Room Furniture offer Home and Furnitures

Living Room Furniture

Home and Furnitures

2 matching tapestry chairs with matching ottoman and coffee table. $250.00...

Black fireplace screen  offer Home and Furnitures

Black fireplace screen

$25Home and Furnitures

Hand made black iron fireplace screen in fantastic shape, 31" H X 39" W. $25.00, call Steve at 413-335-8290 Great shape, gorgeous, the perfect accent for any household....

Table and 4 chairs set offer Home and Furnitures

Table and 4 chairs set

$125Home and Furnitures

Glass top table with padded chairs. Very gently used. One chair is blue, one yellow, one red, one light green. Purchased at Rooms to Go. ...

Living room table and two side tables offer Home and Furnitures

Living room table and two side tables

$450Home and Furnitures

Living room table and 2 side tables, solid oak, middle is tile squares. Bottom portion is all aluminium metal. Very sturdy pieces of furniture....

furniture. offer Home and Furnitures


$400Home and Furnitures

Wood dinning set with 4 chairs, round table....

Broyhill Loveseat offer Home and Furnitures

Broyhill Loveseat

$95Home and Furnitures

Broyhill loveseat. Excellent Condition...

Table and Chairs Good Condition offer Home and Furnitures

Table and Chairs Good Condition

$195Home and Furnitures

Solid wood table with extension and chairs...

Desk - Solid Oak Restored offer Home and Furnitures

Desk - Solid Oak Restored

$375Home and Furnitures

Solid Oak restored desk...

small credenza       $45.oo offer Home and Furnitures

small credenza $45.oo

$45Home and Furnitures

a beautiful piece of furniture for a corner or entry area. recently moved and have no place for it now. Very small chip on surface from moving. Sells for around $300 new. ...

Ruud Compressor for air conditioning offer Home and Furnitures

Ruud Compressor for air conditioning

$1Home and Furnitures

3 Ton 13 SEER Ruud Compressor 31/2 years old. $1,100.00 Good condition and runs well. It was running fine for a 1700 square foot home in Cape Coral FL. Forced to remove and reinstall a new unit to p...

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