$25 — Home and Furnitures — 12-02-2018
31 inches in diameter...
Home and Furnitures — 12-02-2018
Lamp is 31 inches high. $ 25 Wing is 39 inches high. $ 40...
$500 — Home and Furnitures — 12-02-2018
Sleeper rarely used and is in excellent shape ...
Home and Furnitures — 12-02-2018
Baker Sofa. Goose down and made in America. Excellent quality and respected brand. Elegant and in a subtle paisley print red/rust color. Redecorating and would like to sell. $300.00...
$25 — Home and Furnitures — 12-01-2018
Like new futon cover. Fits a double size futon couch/bed. Cash only....
$650 — Home and Furnitures — 12-01-2018
This is a wooden English "Call Box" It is not an original. It was used at the Parks Mall in Arlington for a pay phone before we all had phones of our own. I have restored the inside, any damaged gl...
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