Items For Sale > Home and Furnitures

100% real wood dresser - $300

  • Publish Date: 04-20-2018 17:30:48 |
  • Contact: Isabel (see all posting) |
  • Location: Portland 97068 |
  • Place: 3855 mohawk way |
  • 442 times displayed |
100% real wood dresser

A beautiful 100% real wood dresser I originally got this dresser for 600$. most products are fake wood and 100% wood is normally rare. The dresser will need a bit of a pick up though. two of the dresser fronts fell of so it will need some wood glue to put it back on. I am going to use this money to buy a computer to use to study for school. Thank you for your time, have a great day and contact me if you have a interest for it.

Tags: furniture | dresser

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