Items For Sale > Health and Beauty

The Defense Bracelet is your key to health and comfort

  • Publish Date: 08-28-2022 13:27:48 |
  • Contact: BossLady69shop (see all posting) |
  • Location: Dallas 75218 |
  • Place: Dallas |
  • 856 times displayed |
Powerful rare-earth magnets in the bracelet rest against the artery in your wrist.
As blood flows past them, the magnets act on the iron in your blood, lining up the red blood cells so that they can receive more oxygen. This improves circulation.

Better circulation helps reduce inflammation. The increased blood flow helps your body promotes healing function, easing the discomforts from your arms and hands. The powerful magnets in our Defense Bracelets also help reduce lactic acid (the substance that causes soreness after you work out) and calcium deposits. Moving calcium ions through your body faster helps speed up the healing process in your nerves and bones.

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