Items For Sale > Health and Beauty

~$1,399~ FL Outside Harmar Scooter Universal Vehicle Car Lift- Lake Wales,FL

  • Publish Date: 02-24-2018 15:28:23 |
  • Contact: khatsart (see all posting) |
  • Location: Orlando 33898 |
  • Place: Lake Wales |
  • 508 times displayed |
 ~$1,399~ FL Outside Harmar Scooter Universal Vehicle Car Lift- Lake Wales,FL ~$1,399~ FL Outside Harmar Scooter Universal Vehicle Car Lift- Lake Wales,FL
Harmar's heritage as an American company
Carries virtually all scooters
Automatic hold down foot
Sets the standard for all other Scooter Lifts
No scooter modifications
Accommodates scooters with a wheelbase of up to 42"
Accommodate 350 lbs - 400 lbs. capacity
The unique hold down foot automatically secures virtually any scooter without any necessary scooter modifications.

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