Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

PLANT SALE... (50% off) ..Annuals..Perennials..Fig Trees..Hanging Baskets..Palm Trees..Spider Plants - $5

  • Publish Date: 07-24-2019 21:58:40 |
  • Contact: Lawrence Bryant |
  • Location: New Haven 06410 |
  • Place: 1392 Highland Ave. Cheshire, CT |
  • 476 times displayed |

are open on Thursday 7/25 and Saturday 7/27 from 9am until 5pm...Located at the
corner of 1392 Highland Ave. and Blacks Rd. in Cheshire (follow plant
sale signs) onto Blacks Rd. We're an open air market about 500 feet
down on the right by all the nursery trucks....Daylily (5 varieties)
$4.50 each...Hosta (full grown) $4.50 each...Palm Tree $15 each...Fig
Tree $10 each...Spider Plant $8 each...Full flat of annuals $9
each..Large Hanging Flower Baskets $9 each...Full flat of vegetable
plants, tomato, pepper, squash, eggplant $9 each..Full flat of ground
cover includes Pachysandra...Euonymus...Ajuga or Ivy... $7.50 each
...Assorted Perennials $5 each includes:..Black Eyed Susan...Bee
Balm...Astilbe...Scabiosa...Campanula...Plumbago...Sedum (6 varieties)

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