Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

Multifamily Garage sale

  • Publish Date: 06-04-2019 12:59:54 |
  • Contact: Scott Helgeson |
  • Location: Des Moines 50125 |
  • Place: 11133 165th Ave Indianola, Iowa (12 miles south of DesMoines). |
  • 427 times displayed |
We are having a gigantic Garage sale where we are selling Knives (Bowies and folding knives of various sizes), Swords, Furniture, Kitchenware and some small appliances, Toys (including some stuffed animals), Nik Naks, Various Home Décor Items, Baby Girl's clothing (9 Months), Dog Pen - (Metal Cage), Infant Car Seat, Wooden Book Shelves, Some Medical Wrappings (ace bandages), Small Chest Freezer, Portable Piano Key Board, DVDs and Blu Rays and Much Miscellaneous (stuff we find and add). Friday June 14 8 AM til 5 PM and Saturday June 15, 8 AM til 1 PM.

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