Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale
Multifamily Garage sale
- Publish Date: 06-04-2019 12:44:59 |
- Contact: Scott Helgeson |
- Location: Des Moines 50125 |
- Place: 11133 165th Ave Indianola, Iowa (12 miles south of DesMoines). |
- 397 times displayed |
We are having a great Garage Sale. We are selling Knives (Bowies and Folding) and swords, Furniture, Kitchen Ware and a few small appliances, Toys including Stuffed Animals, Nik Naks, Some Home Décor Items, Baby Girl's Clothes - (9 Month), Dog Pen (Metal Cage), Infant Car seat, Wooden Book Shelves, Small Chest Freezer, Keyboard (Piano) plus Miscellaneous which could be anything. June 14, 8 AM - 5 PM. June 15, 8 AM - 1 PM.
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